
The SEC Logistics GmbH supports initiative Klein.Blind.Kind

The SEC Logistics GmbH has made the decission in this year to resign 
the exchange of christmas gifts and instead of this to contribute for help. 
In Upper Austria there live, according to current estimations,
approximately 200 babies with natural or gotten sight defect or blindness.
By develpopement early in the childhood the cognitive ability of such small
patients can be improved noticeable. This brings an important advantage for
livequality and developemen. 
Small.Blind.Child. is a common initiative of the Lions Club Linz City
and the team of "early sight aid" at the Conventhospital of Barmherzige
Brüder Linz.
With this charitable contriution we want to support this initiatve and we
hope to act also in your sense.